Ooops. “Ass At Own Risk.” Details Too Good to Waste
/I collect details that I migrate to my characters, plots and pages. (My pockets and car corners are full of errant slips of paper.)
Today I thought I’d share some of the list that’s taped next to me. Right in front of my face as I work so it’s hard to avoid. Yes, it’s typed but as the pages accumulate, there’s lots of scrawled notes too: snatches of conversations I might hear or how someone’s dressed. (On the coldest day recently, I stood in line at the post office with a woman in a down parka and flip flops. Bare feet).
I add signs found in windows, bumper stickers, intriguing or bad behavior. (Like an “Ass at Own Risk” sign missing its opening P.)
In Quebec last summer at small, public park . . .
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